Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blog3: Media and Body Image

 Skinny is Fashion?
Media is playing a big role in our life as of right now. Body image and media directly correlate to each other nowadays. Everyday we see the skinny actors and actresses on the Television, movies, commercials, and the magazines. Therefore we are greatly influenced by the media. A lot of girls undergoes dieting for the body image. Many lives have been taken away because of the body image. Some girls are being pressured by the media and the peers about the body image. Many girls wants to be skinny like the images we see in the media. 
     Many girls should know about he healthy weight for themselves. The media display the characters of the entertainment industry. We live in the real world with real problems. We have our own standards and our ways of doing things. We have to come to conclusions that we are individuals and we can't  compared ourselves to others because we are not the same.
     As the health educators, we should inform each individual about the health. We have to advocate the individuals how health comes before beauty. We need to advocate about the body mass index (BMI) and the healthy weight. How do we stay healthy and beautiful? That is the question. Many people suffer from the eating disorders because of the media portrayal. Just like the "Dove Movement", we should talk to our friends and family before media take over the role. I would raise the self-esteem and let them know the difference between beauty and the disorder.

  The media does not portray the diverse roles. Most of the people we see on television are super skinny for every races and almost every roles. We need to see the diverse in the characters. Therefore, the media do not portray the diversity in body shape, color, and size.We need diversity in media as well as in the reality. Wouldn't it be boring to see the same items all the time? We need to see the diverse roles of the individual that can portray the reality we live in. I think we had better diversity in the media before than as of right now.
There will always be big influence of media in our lives daily. We just have to see the entertainment and reality for us.  
    As health educator and individual, I will continue to learn and advocate about the health of others.
